2. Allows for self-expression. It is a perfect channel for children to express their emotions and feelings through characters, settings and plots. Creative writing helps them make sense of their own feelings so they can share, understand and reflect on their own lives.
3. Provides language skills practice. By writing the children can practise their writing skills learnt like grammar, spelling, word choice and punctuation.
4. Teaches self-discipline. While creative writing is imaginative, it requires discipline to order thoughts on paper in a clear and concise way to make it believable.
5. Can be therapeutic. Sometimes it’s difficult for kids to define their emotions and feelings. Creative writing provides an outlet by writing in the third person point of view to tell us what’s bothering them.
6. Discover themselves. Creative writing allows kids the opportunity to look anew at the world around them. They are forced to question and seek.
7. Develops self-confidence. When children receive praise for their writing efforts, it increases their self-confidence because they have achieved success.
8. Develops self-esteem. Through creative writing, children have the chance to assert themselves by voicing their opinions. When their efforts are well received by their audience, it builds self-esteem.
9. Improves skills in other areas. Studies show that children, who are involved in creative writing practices, tend to perform better in math, science and foreign languages. The challenges faced in creative writing give them the confidence and discipline to succeed in other areas of their life.
10.Teaches persuasiveness. Children need to convince their readers through characterisation, storylines and themes to make it believable so they learn persuasive language techniques.
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